Children’s issues


By blending my specialized training and experience in child issues and problems with Psychotherapy, Educational kinesiology and sometimes hypnotherapy I can offer you solutions to many childhood issues whether emotional, behavioural or educational.


Parents are involved at all stages and the fact that I have a clear criminal records check as is required when working with minors will reasure you that your child is in a professional environment.


What follows is an alphabetical list and an brief outline of some of the many issues I can help your child with, if your child’s problem wasn’t listed then please contact me on 01302-719747 to discuss how I can help you or to arrange an initial consultation


Education and Health (emotional, behavioural and physical)


School can be a very lonely and difficult place for many children with any form of learning disability, social issue, personal affliction, or indeed many other reasons which can and very often does lead to further complications. With the vast experience and wealth of skills I posses I can help your child overcome many common and not so common problems such as-


  • Academic performance – Children have the unique ability over adults to be able to learn very quickly, I am able to help your child to tap into this ability and improve their ability to increase their rate of skill and knowledge, retain more information, speed up their reading and writing ability and so on with a specially designed process that takes only 6 to 10 weeks.
  • ADHD – this is treatable with, in most cases complete recovery, so long as under and in conjunction with medical supervision 
  • Asperger’s – difficulties with co-ordination, clumsiness and sometimes difficulties with social interaction
  • Anger – Child anger can come from any source, bullying, parental split up's, personal inabilities, home life, and inferiority and so on, all can be treated
  • Bed wetting This only takes normally about 3 sessions to cure 
  • Biting finger nails
  • Bruxism – Teeth grinding
  • Confidence – Many children can be picked on for any reason by other children, many children may find themselves feeling vulnerable and have difficulty in making new friends or adjusting to a new school, all of this can be solved
  • Dyslexia – difficulties with reading and writing can also be with maths
  • Dyspraxia – difficulty with co-ordinated movement
  • Eating disorders – unfortunately this is becoming more of a widespread problem with anorexia and bulimia on the increase, it can be treated and very often completely solved, so long as under medical sipervision
  • Exam nerves – many children can suffer nerves and anxiety which affect their results
  • Fear of  dentists, needles, school, sports, exams, reports, the dark, the list is ultimately extensive 
  • Habits – many children can form all kinds of habits, depending on what they are and whether they are something which they will simply just grow out of or have been developed as a coping mechanism by the child will depend on whether they are treated or not
  • Hair pulling – usually a sign of nerves and can be treated
  • Inferiority complex – children can be very cruel with each other and this sometimes leads to a feeling of inferiority and it can be dealt with 
  • Memory – It is possible in normal circumstances to improve your children’s memory and retention of information
  • Phobias of – spiders, crowds, dogs, and all other manner can be treated
  • Reading and writing – I have been trained in a very special process that enables your child to learn very quickly and is an enjoyably way of utilising their own natural ability that will see them progressing
  • Shyness – this can be treated and your child can grow with confidence
  • Spelling – as reading and writing above
  • Sports improvement – this is an area which can be of great importance to a child and it is completely possible to help virtually any child improve their sporting capability
  • Stammering and stuttering – dealt with early on this can be treated in far fewer sessions than with an adult who may have had the problem for many years
  • Thumb sucking 
  • Tourette’s (often called tic’s) – usually brought on by stress
  • Withdrawn – sometimes a child can become withdrawn and they won’t offer an explanation, the causes of this can be resolved




To find out more about how I can help you and your child solve any of the above issues, or something that may not be listed above, you can call me on 07879 282526


Next go to the FAQ page where many common questions will be answered.